6 Ways To Use Peanut Butter In Savoury Dishes

By Jasmine Kaur

Peanut Butter is one of those things that we instantly associate with desserts. But did you know that it's equally good in savoury dishes too?  Here are 6 ideas to get you started.

Chicken Curry

Or paneer if you prefer veg. A dollop of peanut butter can make curries creamier and give them a whole new level of flavour.

Baked Cauliflower

Mix peanut butter with some soy sauce and other spices to create a delicious glaze for a baked cauliflower steak.


Create a beautiful Thai-inspired pizza by making peanut glazed chicken or paneer as a nutty, flavourful topping.


With a little lime, fresh coriander and a little bit of honey, peanut butter transforms into a delightful, more-ish salad dressing for every occasion.


Creamy pasta is always a dream, and now you can get it without the use of dairy thanks to peanut butter!

Grilled Corn

Skip the usual lime and chilli and try spreading some peanut butter on your corn cobs for a savoury, rich and creamy treat,