6 Ways To Combat Your Nighttime Cravings!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 3rd, 2023

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Nighttime cravings generally make you eat more and are one of the reasons for weight gain. Few reasons why you may crave to eat at night might be stress and not eating a proper meal during the day. Here are 6 ways you can combat your nighttime cravings!

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Identify The Cause

A lot of people skate through the day without a proper meal and some may also use food to deal with their emotions. It could also be due to obesity and if there's trouble in sleeping.

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Use A Routine

If you're overeating because of not eating well during the day, get yourself into a routine of eating and sleeping properly.

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Plan Your Meals

You may also benefit from having a structured meal plan that aids you in setting a time frame for eating. It can also help you eat healthy.

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Relaxation Techniques

Food is a temporary solution to anxiety and stress. Try using relaxation techniques, like hot baths, meditation, stretching and yoga to combat your anxiety and stress.

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include Protein In Every Meal

Including protein in every meal may help curb your hunger and keep you satisfied and not distracted during the eating process.

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Stock Up On Nutrient Rich Foods

If snacks with low nutritional value are not within easy reach, you'll eat less of them. So keep snacks of high nutrients within reach.

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