6 Ways To Add More Fibre To Your Diet

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 12th, 2023

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Getting enough fiber is important for your health. Fibre can reduce constipation and help with weight loss. It may also lower cholesterol levels, as well as your risk of diabetes and heart disease. Here are 6 ways to include more fibre in your diet.

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Popcorn is one of the best snack foods around. That’s because it’s actually a whole grain, delivering 4 grams of fiber per ounce.

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Fruits make great snacks because they’re tasty and portable. All fruits deliver fiber, although some, like pears, berries and apples have significantly more than others.

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Non-starchy vegetables are particularly low in calories and high in nutrients, including fiber. Eating your vegetables before a meal is a good strategy for eating more of them.

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Carb Sources

Whole-food carb sources all naturally contain fiber. These include fruits, starchy vegetables, legumes, and whole grains.

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Healthy Bread

Include whole-wheat brown bread instead of white bread to increase your fibre content.

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Whole-Grain Breakfast

Have wholegrain breakfast cereals such as porridge, no-added-sugar muesli or bran flakes.

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