6 Vitamin K-RIch Foods That Can Boost Women's Health

By Ujjainee Roy

June 4, 2024

Vitamin K can be crucial for healthy bones and wound healing and also has some properties that keeps you blood clotting in check. This vitamin is particularly important for women and can boost their wlellness. Here are some easy, accessible vitamin K-rich foods.


This leafy green vegetable is a great source of vitamin K and is beneficial for bone health and blood clotting.


Another leafy green, kale is rich in vitamin K and can contribute to overall bone health and may have protective effects on the heart.


Broccoli is not only rich in vitamin K but also provides essential nutrients and antioxidants that support women's health.

Brussel sprouts

These cruciferous vegetables are high in vitamin K and offer a range of health benefits, including support for bone density.


Dried plums, or prunes, are a good source of vitamin K and can be beneficial for bone health and regularity.


This fermented soybean product is a potent source of vitamin K and is commonly consumed in Japan for its health benefits.