6 Vegetarian Breakfast Options From Bengal

By Rajan Bhattacharya

June 26, 2024

Bengali food is diverse and rich. Bengali breakfasts have evolved yet retained their appeal. These breakfasts celebrate flavours, ingredients, and traditional cooking methods.

Luchi & Cholar Dal

Luchi, refined flour deep-fried flatbread, is essential. Its light, airy texture complements Bengal cholar dal, perfumed with cinnamon, bay leaf, and cardamom. The complete breakfast is delicious.

Koraishutir Kachori 

Koraishutir Kachori is stuffed bread with green peas, ginger, and chillies. This hefty breakfast is usually paired with spicy potato curry. The spice warmth is ideal for monsoon mornings.


A common breakfast street snack is ghugni. This protein-rich dish may contain beef. But its vegetarian version is popular as well. Ghugni's delicious taste and health benefits make it a morning pleasure.

Nonta Sooji

Savoury semolina, or Nonta Sooji, is versatile. This perfectly flavoured dish uses carrots, peppers, and onions. Semolina absorbs the flavours of vegetables and spices to make it a savoury and nutritious breakfast option.  

Phulkopir Singara

Phulkopir Singara has cauliflower stuffing like samosa. The inside of the singara is slightly sweet and hot, and the crust is crunchy.

Niramish Chop

Niramish Chop is a vegetarian croquette. Groundnuts and spices season mashed potatoes, carrots, peas, and cauliflower. These deep-fried croquettes have egg batter and breadcrumbs.