6 Varieties Of Hot Toddy Stay Warm This Winter Season

By Nikita Toppo

January 23, 2024

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Made with water, whiskey, honey and lemon juice, this cocktail is very popular all over the world during winter. Here are six varieties of hot toddy you can prepare this evening.

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Black Tea Toddy

This concoction uses strong black tea in the recipe along with other whiskey, lemon and spices.

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Hot Apple Toddy

This warm and cozy cocktail is prepared with hot apple cider instead of water.

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Hot Ginger Toddy

Made with the goodness of ginger and other spices, this drink is perfect to stay warm during chilly evenings.

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Hot Gin Toddy

This cozy drink replaces whiskey with gin and the remaining ingredients are the same.

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Warm Old-Fashioned

Love sipping whiskey old-fashioned, give it a hot toddy twist by combining whiskey with hot water and club soda.

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Hot Kick Toddy

This interesting variation of toddy is perfect for all caffeine lovers.

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