6 Types Of Squash Drinks That Can Beat The Heat

By Garima Johar

April 19, 2024

The summer heat can take the most out of you whenever you step outside the house. Drinking a cool beverage like squash after coming back home can help you get hydrated and stay refreshed for the rest of the day.


Lemon squash can be a really great cooler that you can have after a hectic and hot day.


If you need a beverage on the sweeter side, you can go for pineapple squash chilled with some ice cubes.

Blue Curacao

The blue curacao squash drink is a vibrant blue-coloured drink that you can enjoy with some soda, lemon squeezes, and mint.


The summer fruit mango is an impeccable ingredient for making a cool and refreshing drink.


The rose squash drink is also a sweet beverage that your kids will definitely love after a hot day.


For a tropical drink, you can have a chilled glass of orange squash drink with a hint of lemon juice.