6 Top Summer Drinks Of India 

By Deepali Verma

June 9, 2024

India offers a variety of refreshing summer drinks, each with its unique flavours and regional ties. Here are six traditional beverages that help beat the heat: 

Aam Panna

A tangy drink made from raw mangoes, spices, and sugar, popular in Maharashtra. It’s known for its cooling properties and rich flavour. 

Nimbu Pani 

Also known as lemonade, this simple yet refreshing drink made with lemons, sugar, salt, and water is enjoyed nationwide, especially in North India.  


A spicy and tangy drink made from water, cumin, and other spices, primarily consumed in North India. It aids digestion and cools the body.  


A yoghurt-based drink, often sweetened or flavoured with fruits, is a favourite in Punjab. It’s thick, creamy, and perfect for hot days. 

Sattu Sharbat 

Made from roasted gram flour, sugar, and water, this nutritious drink is popular in Bihar. It provides energy and keeps you cool.  


A traditional milk-based drink with nuts, spices, and rose petals, commonly consumed during festivals in Uttar Pradesh. It’s known for its rich, aromatic taste.