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6 Tips To Keep Your Kitchen Herbs Fresh For Longer

By Nikita Toppo

September 25, 2023

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Image Credit: Unsplash


Herbs are an essential part of cooking and are used to flavour a variety of dishes.  Here are six effective tips to keep them fresh for a long time.

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Wash With Cold Water

Always wash the herbs with cold water and dry them properly to prevent their decaying.

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Trim The Stems

Trim the bottom of the stems at an angle and remove any damaged or yellowing leaves.

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Water In A Vase Or Jar

Place the herbs in a vase or jar with enough water to cover the trimmed stems. This method works well for herbs like basil, cilantro, and parsley.

Image Credit: Pexels


Cover With A Plastic Bag

Cover the herbs loosely with a plastic bag and secure it with a rubber band. This helps maintain moisture and prevents wilting.

Image Credit: Pexels


Use A Damp Cloth

Wrap herbs like rosemary, thyme, and sage in a slightly damp cloth and store them in a resealable plastic bag in the refrigerator.

Image Credit: Unsplash


Dry Herbs

For herbs like oregano, rosemary, and thyme, hang them upside down in a dry, well-ventilated area. Once dry, store them in airtight containers.

Image Credit: Pexels

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