6 Tips To Keep In Mind To Store Tea Leaves For Longer
Aanchal Mathur
1. Avoid Sunlight
Tea leaves are sensitive, so storing them requires special care and attention. The harsh sunlight can adversely affect the quality and aroma of tea leaves.
2. Keep Away From Spices
Tea is said to be extremely receptive to odours. And if you wish to keep its aroma intact, it is suggested to keep them away from anything with a strong scent, including our desi masalas and other flavoured teas.
3. Use Airtight Containers
This one is a must! Storing the tea leaves in an airtight glass or ceramic container helps prevent the tea leaves from absorbing moisture and odour.
4. Use Stainless Steel Containers
4. Use Stainless Steel Containers
Tea leaves are best stored in a stainless-steel container as this easily blocks sunlight. However, if you are unable to find one, a glass container can work as a substitute too.
The best way to avoid sunlight, moisture and excessive heat is to store the tea jar in a cool, dark cupboard, instead of keeping it on the kitchen top.