6 Tips To Eat Healthy In Between Work

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

November 18th, 2023

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Imagine preparing breakfast, lunch, and dinner in between a busy schedule - the very thought seems dreadful, isn't it? In the hustle-bustle of a fast-paced work life, nutrition often takes a back seat. That is exactly how you end up fasting for long hours and overeating thereafter. What if the situation can easily be averted? Here are 6 tips to eat healthy in between work.

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Plan Your Meals

Planning your meal beforehand and doing all the preparations accordingly to whip up a quick lunch or dinner is a good way of ensuring you eat well.

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Snack Mindfully

Eating whatever you find easy may lead to excess calorie intake, further affecting your overall health. Instead, pick your snack wisely and eat mindfully to avoid excess calorie intake.

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Dry Fruits

The best practice is to keep some dry fruits and nuts or a mixed trail handy. They are uncomplicated, easy to carry, and packed with nutrients. In fact, a handful of dry fruits and nuts make for a perfect snack to curb hunger pangs.

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Keep sipping water throughout the day to stay hydrated and full, avoiding untimely snacking. Keep a water bottle on your work desk to keep drinking water the whole day.

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Occasional Indulgence

Balancing work life and a healthy diet doesn't mean you avoid your favourite snack completely. In fact, it is important to indulge occasionally to keep up the balance in your diet regime. Alongside, occasional bingeing helps you stay motivated to maintain a nutritious diet in the long run.

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Educate Yourself

Educate yourself about the nutritional value of different foods and the impact they can have on your energy levels. For example, foods like apples, bananas, brown rice and eggs can provide a sustained source of energy.

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