6-Step Guide To Sprout Green Gram

By Krati Purwar

July 22, 2024

Sprouted green grams (referred to as sprouts) are among the most nutritious choices for breakfast and snacks. However, unless the green grams have sprouted, you cannot enjoy them raw. Here is a quick guide to sprouting green moong.


Water in a bowl 1 cup green gram A clean cloth Sprouting container

Step 1

Rinse the beans thoroughly with tap water to remove dirt and dust particles. 

Step 2

Add enough water to the bowl so that you can submerge the beans. Keep them overnight.

Step 3

After soaking for at least 8-12 hours, drain the water. Transfer the beans to a sprouting container.

Step 4

Cover the beans with a damp cloth and keep the container in a dark and cool corner of the kitchen.

Step 5

After every 8-12 hours, rinse the beans to prevent the growth of moulds.

Step 6

In 2-3 days, beans will sprout. In 4-5 days, they will reach the desired length, and you can use them for salads and other dishes.