6 Simple Ways To Make Winter Soups Healthier

By Nikita Toppo

February 4, 2024

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Soups act as a saviour during winter. They keep your body warm and protects from cough and cold. Here are six simple ways to make your soups healthier.

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Make Your Own Stock

To get an excellent flavour and nutrients in the soup make the vegetable or chicken stock at home.

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Add Protein-Rich Ingredients

Protein is a vital nutrient of a balanced diet. So, do add paneer, soya, chickpea and other such ingredients in your soups.

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Include Lots Of Seasonal Vegetables

Winter brings a lot of seasonal vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, do add them in your soups.

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Warm Spices

Warm spices like cloves, ginger, turmeric and cinnamon can help you ward off winter illness along with adding flavours to your soups.

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Incorporate Grains

Grains like quinoa, brown rice and barley can become an excellent addition to your winter soups.

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Garnish With Greek Yoghurt

Use a dollop of plain Greek yoghurt for garnishing your winter soups.

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