6 Simple Ways To Add More Fruits To Your Daily Diet

By Yash Lakhan

January 18, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Fruits are nutrient-packed foods that also curb sugar cravings and everyone should consume them as a part of a healthy diet. However, many people despite knowing this keep failing to add these superfoods into their diet regime. So, here are some simple tips to sneak more fruit into your diet.

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Replace Your Snacks

Replace your unhealthy and sugar-loaded snacks with fruits like bananas and apples in the evening or mid-morning.

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Carry Fruits

Make sure you carry your fruits to your workplace or school to snack on them anytime you want.

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Invest In A Fruit Bowl

The beautiful bowl will encourage you to eat more since it is only made for having fruits.

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Add Them To Desserts

You can top and make your desserts and foods with fruits such as oatmeal, pudding, fruit toast, halwas, and more.

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Try New Fruits

Try different fruits like dragon fruit, kiwis, and more so that you don't get bored of eating the same fruits.

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Keep Them Close

Always keep fruits in places where you can access them quickly such as a fruit bowl, in the fridge, or on the kitchen counter.

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