6 Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Apple Cider Vinegar

By Nikita Toppo

September 11, 2023

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From detoxification to weight loss, apple cider vinegar is known for several health benefits. But drinking it too much can be harmful for your body. Here are six side effects of apple cider vinegar you must know:

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Causes Digestive Issues

Consuming too much ACV can lead to gastrointestinal problems, including nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

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Tooth Enamel Erosion

ACV is acidic and can erode tooth enamel over time. To minimise the risk, it's advisable to dilute it with water and use a straw.

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Bone Health

Excessive consumption of ACV may negatively affect bone health by leaching calcium from bones.

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Blood Sugar Levels

While ACV may help regulate blood sugar levels in some individuals, consuming too much may cause blood sugar to drop too low.

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Throat Irritation

The high acidity of ACV may cause throat and esophageal irritation, specially when consumed undiluted or in large quantities.

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Skin Irritation

Applying undiluted ACV directly to the skin can lead to irritation and chemical burns.

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