6 Rum-Infused Drinks for Winters 

By Deepali Verma

January 11, 2024

Warm up your winter nights with the rich and inviting flavours of rum-infused drinks. From classic hot toddies to creative concoctions, these beverages promise a fantastic blend of warmth and spirited indulgence.  

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Classic Hot Toddy 

Transform the traditional hot toddy by infusing it with a generous splash of dark rum, adding depth and complexity to this timeless winter warmer. 

Spiced Rum Chai Latte

Transform your chai latte with a dash of spiced rum, creating a comforting blend of tea, spices, and the rich warmth of rum. 

Rum and Cider Punch

Embrace the season with a festive punch, combining spiced rum, apple cider, and a hint of cinnamon for a flavorful and crowd-pleasing drink. 

Coconut Rum Hot Chocolate

Indulge in the ultimate winter treat by spiking your hot chocolate with coconut-flavoured rum, creating a velvety and tropical twist. 

Rum-infused Vanilla Chai

Upgrade your chai experience by infusing it with vanilla-flavored rum, imparting a sweet and aromatic essence to this comforting beverage. 

Citrus Rum Punch

Enjoy the zesty flavours of winter citrus fruits with a zesty rum punch. Just mix light rum with the juices of oranges, lemons, and limes for a revitalising and refreshing drink.