6 Reasons To Drink Haldi Doodh Or Turmeric Milk In Winter 

By Sushmita 

While a glass of milk is good on its own, but mixing in a pinch of turmeric has been a desi remedy for cold, cough, flu, pain relief and more.  

Builds Immunity

The active component curcumin helps fight symptoms of cold, cough, and flu that are so common during weather change 

Pain Relief

Many also complain of joint pains and aches during winter, the anti-inflammatory properties of Haldi doodh help soothe the pain. 

Aids Digestion

You tend to feel hungrier during winter, leading to over-eating and indigestion. But turmeric is effective in fighting indigestion and bloating 

Keeps Brain Active

You know how your brain is almost, always fogged during these cold days. Studies have found that curcumin can help sharpen memory and keep brain active 

Good For Skin

Tired of dull, dry skin? The antioxidants present in turmeric help give your skin a natural glow.