6 Reasons Feta Cheese Is Healthier Than Other Varieties

By Ujjainee Roy

August 26, 2024

Feta cheese, a staple of Mediterranean cuisine, is renowned for its tangy flavor and crumbly texture. Originating from Greece, this white brined cheese is traditionally made from sheep's milk or a blend of sheep's and goat's milk. While cheese is often viewed with caution due to its high fat and calorie content, feta stands out as a healthier alternative compared to many other types of cheese. Let's learn more about this.

Lower in calories and fat

Feta cheese is relatively lower in calories and fat compared to many other popular cheeses like cheddar or gouda. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of feta contains about 75 calories and 6 grams of fat, whereas the same serving of cheddar contains around 110 calories and 9 grams of fat. This makes feta suitable for those looking to lose weight

Rich in essential nutrients

Feta cheese is a good source of essential nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin B12. Calcium is vital for bone health, and feta provides about 14% of the recommended daily intake per ounce. Phosphorus, another mineral found in feta, works in conjunction with calcium to support healthy bones and teeth.

Contain probiotics

Feta cheese is made using a fermentation process, which introduces beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. These probiotics, particularly strains of Lactobacillus, are known to support gut health by promoting a healthy balance of bacteria in the digestive system

High in protein

Protein is an essential macronutrient that plays a key role in building and repairing tissues, supporting immune function, and maintaining muscle mass. Feta cheese offers a good protein content, with about 4 grams per ounce. This makes it a valuable source of protein for vegetarians

Lower sodium content

While all cheeses contain sodium, feta is relatively lower in sodium compared to other brined cheeses like halloumi or processed cheeses. Feta contains about 250-300 milligrams of sodium per ounce, which is less than many other types of cheese. Consuming lower sodium levels is important for maintaining healthy blood pressure

Easier to digest

Feta cheese is traditionally made from sheep's milk or a blend of sheep's and goat's milk, both of which have smaller fat globules and lower lactose content compared to cow's milk. This makes feta easier to digest, particularly for individuals who are lactose intolerant or have difficulty digesting cow's milk.