6 Mistakes To Avoid While Cooking Eggs

By Krati Purwar

January 12, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

Eggs are a staple around the world and the easiest to cook. You can simply grease the pan, break an egg, add salt and pepper, and your breakfast is ready. However, while cooking eggs, there are a few mistakes that you must avoid if you want to enjoy a perfectly cooked recipe.

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Cooking Eggs In Boiling Water

Did you know that if you start cooking eggs in cold water and slowly raise the temperature, you can prevent the cracking of hard-boiled eggs? You have to ensure that they are immersed in water.

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Choosing Wrong Pan

When you are cooking eggs, you have to be wary of picking the right pan. For example, poached eggs need a shallow pan, while you will need a deep pan for boiling eggs.

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High Heat For Scrambled Eggs

If you want to make the fluffiest and softest of scrambled eggs, you should avoid cooking them on high flame. It can make the ingredients lose moisture and become crispy.

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Keep Boiling Eggs

Once the water comes to a boil, turn down the heat and let the eggs cook on low flame. If you want hard-boiled eggs, continue to cook for 8 minutes.

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Not Stirring Scrambled Eggs

If you want to enjoy fluffy and soft scrambled eggs, you must continue to stir them. If you move away from the pan, they will turn out flat and hard.

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Overcooking Eggs

Whether boiling or scrambling, overcooking eggs is not a good idea. For example, you need to turn off the heat right before scrambled eggs are about to be done. They are cooked in residual heat. 

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