6 Kitchen Ingredients That Are Natural Antibiotics

By Nikita Toppo

September 27, 2023

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There are many natural antibiotics present in our kitchen that can protect you from various diseases and infections. Here are six kitchen staples that can protect you from infections.

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Adding garlic to your daily meals will boost your immune system and keep you safe from bacterial infections.

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A compound called curcumin present in this spice protects the body from several bacterial infections.

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Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is said to possess antibacterial properties.

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Ginger has the ability to fight against many kinds of harmful bacteria.

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Pumpkin Seeds

The zinc content present in pumpkin seeds contributes to the immune system, which fights against bacteria and viruses.

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Packed with vitamin C and many other nutrients, this luscious fruit helps boost immunity and aid digestion.

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