6 Key Tips To Buy The Freshest Corn In The Monsoon Season

By Devi Poojari

June 24, 2024

Corn or bhutta is one of the monsoon’s most relished seasonal vegetables and used in a variety of applications ranging from savoury to sweet. However, picking the freshest cobs from the bounty that’s available in the markets can be done using a few key tips to identify them.


Look for cobs that have the husk tightly wrapped around the cob; avoid picking corn which has dry, brown or moldy husks.


If you feel the kernels through the husk and they are plump and firm, your corn is fresh. You could also peel back a small section of the husk to check the kernels to see if they are juicy and tightly packed.


The silk at the top of the cob should be moist; moldy or dry silk can indicate older corn.


Fresh corn should have a slightly sweet smell. If it smells musty or sour, it may be past its prime.


Buy corn that is locally grown and in season since it is likely to be fresher and have better flavour.


Larger ears of corn tend to have larger, juicier kernels so choose ears that are well-filled but not overly large, as they may be tough or starchy.