6 Jamun Recipes You Should Try This Monsoon

By Ujjainee Roy

July 12, 2024

Trying to eat more jamuns this season? Why not try fun recipes? The versatile seasonal fruit has a distinct flavour and can add depth and complexity to a number of dishes, from salads and juices to gelatos. Here are some great homemade recipes you can make with jamun.

Jamun juice

Start by deseeding the jamun. Blend the jamun pulp with water, a bit of sugar, and a pinch of black salt. Once smooth, strain the mixture to remove any fibrous parts. Add a dash of lemon juice to enhance the tanginess. Serve chilled for a refreshing drink that's perfect for the monsoon season.

Jamun sorbet

Deseed and puree the jamun. In a saucepan, make a simple syrup by dissolving sugar in water over medium heat. Allow the syrup to cool before mixing it with the jamun puree and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn. Freeze the sorbet until firm.

Jamun chutney

Deseed and chop the jamun. In a pan, cook the jamun with jaggery and tamarind paste until the mixture thickens. Add roasted cumin seeds, red chili powder, and salt to taste. Let it cool, then blend into a smooth chutney. This sweet and sour condiment pairs well with savory snacks and dishes.

Jamun smoothie

Deseed the jamun and blend them with yogurt, honey, and a ripe banana until smooth. This creamy smoothie is packed with nutrients and has a delicious balance of sweet and tangy flavors, making it a perfect breakfast or snack option during the monsoon.

Jamun panna

Boil the jamun until soft, then deseed and mash the pulp. Strain the pulp to get a smooth concentrate. Mix the concentrate with black salt, roasted cumin powder, sugar, and finely chopped mint leaves. Dilute with cold water and serve this tangy drink chilled. It's a great way to stay hydrated and refreshed in the humid monsoon weather.

Jamun salad

Slice the jamun. In a bowl, combine the jamun slices with diced cucumber and chopped mint leaves. Drizzle with lemon juice and sprinkle with black salt. Toss gently and serve. This simple, refreshing salad makes for a healthy and tangy side dish.