6 Iodine Rich Foods To Include In Your Diet

By Devi Poojari

November 12, 2023

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Iodine been known to have antimicrobial properties, which plays a role in supporting the immune system and defending it against certain pathogens, while contributing to overall immune system functions. Here are six foods to consume.

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Cranberries, when cultivated close to a coastal region, are solid sources of iodine in their fresh, dried or juice form.

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Depending on the type of seaweed and the iodine levels in the water where it grows, the iodine content in seaweed can vary, although a relatively small serving can provide a significant amount of iodine.

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Iodized salt provides a consistent and stable source of iodine, unlike some food sources that may vary in iodine content.

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While eggs themselves do not contain significant amounts of iodine consuming them with a diverse range of foods such as seafood, dairy and iodized salt, can help ensure adequate iodine intake.

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Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt provide a significant amount of iodine in a similar way that including fish in one’s diet does.

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Since seawater is a natural source of iodine, marine life – including fishes like rohu, hilsa, Bombay duck and pomfret, absorb the mineral from their aquatic environment.

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