6 Interesting Ways To Incorporate Seeds In Your Diet

By Nikita Toppo

February 8, 2024

Image Credit: Unsplash

With a slight nutty flavour, seeds add a lot of nutrition to your dishes. Here are six fun ways add these healthy ingredients in your diet.

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Adding seeds to your smoothies will enhance the taste and texture along with making the drink healthier.

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Cereal Bowl

Seeds can be a great topping for your sweet and savoury dishes including oatmeal, soups and yoghurt bowl.

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Trail Mix

Made with a combination of granola, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, trail mix is a healthy solution for your untimely hunger pangs.

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Granola Bar

Prepare homemade granola bars with a medley of seeds like pumpkin, flax and sunflower.

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You can boost the nutritional value of your salads by sprinkling your favourite seeds on top.

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You can blend soaked seeds into dairy-free sauces and use as a spread or dip for your snacks.

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