6 Incredible Health Benefits Of Malta Fruit

By Yash Lakhan

April 17, 2024

Malta is a fruit with a blood orange hue that is grown in Uttarakhand, India's highlands. It is a fruit that looks and tastes like an orange. During the British Empire, it was referred to as the "Maltese orange." Apart from being delicious in flavour, malta fruit also has a host of health benefits that you can enjoy with its regular consumption.

Boosts Immunity

Malta fruit is highly popular for its high vitamin C content, which helps strengthen the immune system.

Antioxidant Properties

The fruit contains high levels of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and reduce cell damage.

Promotes Digestion

The bitter compounds help stimulate the digestive enzymes in the body while also reducing bloating and indigestion.

Enhances Skin

The antioxidants and vitamin C aid in collagen production, protection against UV damage, and reducing wrinkles.

Enhances Heart Health

The fruit may also help in lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation in the body.

Weight Management

The fruit is high in fibre, which makes you feel full for longer while also being low on calories.