6 Healthy Pre-Workout Food Options To Boost Energy

By Garima Johar

February 20, 2024

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Do you want to work out at the gym for hours, but you get exhausted within the first fifteen minutes? This might be the case because you’re not opting for the right pre-workout options. Here are 6 food options that can help you get the energy for an intense workout session.

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If you work out in the mornings, having a protein-packed breakfast with a bowl of oats would help you boost your energy. Eat a bowl of oats topped with berries and nuts with some honey on the top to increase the natural sweetness.

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Scrambled Eggs

Eggs are a powerhouse of proteins, and scrambled eggs can help you go a long way and lift more weight. Ensure that you add vegetables like spinach and mushrooms, and eat with whole-wheat bread to get the maximum benefits.

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Protein Smoothie

Blend a protein smoothie with banana, spinach, almond milk, and a scoop of protein powder for a quick pre-workout drink. This drink offers easy-to-digest carbs, protein for muscle repair, and vitamins and minerals for overall strength.

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Sweet Potatoes

On days when you have some time to spare to make a healthy pre-workout snack, bake or roast sweet potatoes. Top them off with beans and avocado to add to the protein, healthy fats, and fibre content.

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Trail Mix

Get your favourite nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate chunks, and mix them together for a portable and energising snack. This mix provides protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs for a balanced pre-workout boost.

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Yoghurt Bowl

For a quick fix for a pre-workout food option, get a bowl of Greek yoghurt and mix it with granola, fruits, nuts and honey. This snack will give you the right amount of proteins while ensuring that your energy doesn’t drain while working out.

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