6 Health Benefits Of Moong Sprouts! Feast On This Wonder Food

By Ranita Ray

Image Source: asmallbite.com

Green gram or moong dal sprouts are considered "wonder foods." Thanks to their many benefits, raw or cooked. It's low in calories, and high in fibre, vitamins B, C, and K. Sprouted moong also enhances oxygen levels and gives antioxidants. Here are 6 reasons why to add them in diet.

Powerhouse Of Protein

Moong dal sprouts contain around 85% of their amino acids from storage proteins globulin and albumin. Protein builds and repairs bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.

Rich In Vitamin C

Men should obtain 90 milligrams of Vitamin C daily, while women should get 75. Vitamin C boosts immunity by battling infections. Per cup of uncooked moong sprouts has 14 mgs of Vitamin C.

Loaded In Vitamin K

Vitamin K is necessary for blood coagulation, and it controls bone mineralization and density. Moong daal sprouts provide 34 micrograms of vitamin K per cup.

High In Vitamin B9

One cup of sprouted moong contains 100% of our daily folate or Vitamin B9. Folate helps DNA synthesis, cell and tissue growth, hormone balance, cognitive function, and reproduction.

Magnesium Source

Magnesium helps in regular bowel function, cardiac rhythm, neurotransmission, and muscular tissue regeneration. The average adult woman may meet 36% of her daily magnesium needs by eating sprouted moong.

Helps In Weight Loss

Nutrient-rich and calorie-light, moong sprouts are a healthy addition to any diet. Their high fibre content keeps you full longer. It also suppresses the hunger hormone ghrelin.