6 Health Benefits Of Eating Raw Garlic

By Krati Purwar

January 18, 2024

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Garlic is used in Indian and several other cuisines to infuse flavour and make a dish tastier. However, it has many health benefits as well. Eating raw garlic can make your breath smell, but it is nothing compared to the ways in which it can contribute to your well-being.

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Boosts Immunity

Garlic contains vitamin C and zinc which are considered good for immunity. The vitamins and minerals help the body fight against infections and protect it from diseases.

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Aids In Weight Loss

Studies point out that garlic can reduce the formation of adipose cells that store fat. Hence, including it in your diet can help you lose weight if you continue to workout as well.

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Balances Blood Sugar

People struggling to manage diabetes can include raw garlic in their diet because research says that it can help regulate blood sugar levels in the body. 

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Improves Skin

Garlic is associated with shielding your skin from UV rays. It can lighten scars, prevent acne, and reduce rashes, cold sores, and blisters. 

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Benefits Renal Health

If you drink juice containing raw garlic, it can prevent infections in the kidneys and improve renal health. It can also help your body fight urinary tract infections (UTIs). 

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Reduce Blood Toxicity

Studies have concluded that garlic can reduce toxicity in blood by helping you flush out harmful chemicals in the body. It can also reduce fatigue caused by exercising.

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