6 Health Benefits Of Adding Moringa Leaves To Your Diet

By Shreya Goswami

From juices to stir-fried veggies, moringa leaves can be added to your regular diet in many ways and for many benefits. Here are some that you should know about.


Packed with isothicyanites, moringa leaves can fight of inflammatory diseases like arthritis and autoimmune diseases.

Immunity Booster

Moringa leaves have plenty of antioxidants and can boost your immunity to fight off infections.

Sugar Control

The compounds in moringa leaves can help keep blood sugar levels in check and prevent diabetes.

Cholesterol Check

Studies show that moringa leaves are very effective in preventing high cholesterol and triglycerides.

Liver Protection

Packed with polyphenols, moringa leaves can help protect the liver by improving its functions.

Perfect Detox

Moringa leaves can help detoxify the body and even prevent arsenic contamination in the stomach.