6 Harmful Food Combinations You Must Avoid

By Vidushi Singh

Even though we are all aware of the risks to our health posed by eating fast food, we continue to eat "wrong things." We all believe we understand the risks, but are you truly aware of what to avoid?

Two High Protein Food

Avoid eating two foods that are high in protein, as they will take a longer time to digest. You should eat light protein first and then your high protein.

Citrus Fruits And Milk

Milk coagulates when combined with lemons or other citrus fruits, making it harder to digest. Gas and heat burns may result from this.

Fruit With Meal

Till the food is digested, fruit is also detained and it starts fermenting. Fruits should ideally not be consumed with or right after a meal.

Yogurt And Fruits

Avoid yogurt with cheese, hot drinks, sour fruits, milk, mangoes, nightshades, beans, eggs, fish. They create acids that slow down the body's metabolism.

Wine And Pudding

Alcohol alters blood sugar levels and raises insulin levels, which causes the high sugar content of your dessert to be stored as fat and results in unhealthy weight gain.

Grains With Tapioca And Fruits

You can prevent fermentation, indigestion, and putrefaction by avoiding these unhealthy combinations.