6 Fruits To Have On An Empty Stomach For Maximum Health Benefits

By Nikita Toppo

September 2, 2023

Image Credit: Pexels

Fruit is essential to maintain overall health. But do you know that certain fruits, if eaten on an empty stomach, can provide greater benefits to the body? Here are six fruits you can eat on an empty stomach.

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It contains certain enzymes that improve digestion and help in better absorption of vitamins.

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If you eat watermelon first thing in the morning, it can be extremely hydrating for the body after a long night as the fruit is 92% water.

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When eaten on an empty stomach, blueberries can maintain blood sugar levels and improve memory.

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Having a banana, the first thing in the morning can be a good boost of energy.

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Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and manganese which strengthens the immune system and makes the bones stronger.

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Apples are high in pectin, a type of fiber that aids digestion and helps in controlling hunger pangs.

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