6 Fruits That Will Help You In Your Weight Loss Journey!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

August 26, 2023

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Skip the cookies and chocolate sweetness with your fruit buddies! Healthy and tasty, fruits are nature's candy. Here are a few fruits that can aid your weight loss. 

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Whole oranges, not juices, are fibre sources that help you trim your waistline. 

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While they look odd in a fruit bowl, avocados provide a lot of good fat that makes you feel fuller for a longer time and helps reduce calorie intake. 

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Bananas are criticised for their high carbs. But it also has a lot of resistant starch that makes digestion slow and keeps you full for longer. 

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Pineapples are natural hydrators that increase your water content and water helps with weight loss. 

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The ultimate healthy answer to your sugar cravings are mangoes. They boost metabolism and help your sugar cravings in a way that doesn't affect your weight loss.

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Another hero to your sugar cravings, raspberries offer antioxidants and are superfoods with high quantities of vitamin A and C.

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