6 Fruits And Veggies That Need To Be Cleaned Thoroughly During Monsoons

By Ujjainee Roy

September 10, 2024

The monsoon season, with its heavy rains and high humidity, creates an environment that fosters the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other contaminants. This increased moisture can lead to fruits and vegetables becoming dirty and potentially harmful if not cleaned properly. Mud, pesticide residues, and microorganisms can cling to produce, making thorough washing essential to ensure food safety and hygiene. These produce need to be cleaned thoroughly during the rainy season.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens are particularly vulnerable to accumulating dirt, insects, and bacterial contamination. Their broad and textured leaves can trap moisture, which, combined with high humidity, encourages microbial growth. To clean leafy greens thoroughly, rinse them under running water, and consider soaking them in water and salt.


Cabbage and cauliflower are dense vegetables that can harbor dirt and insects within their layers. The monsoon's humidity can also promote mold and fungal growth. To ensure they are clean, break them into smaller pieces, soak them in a salt water solution, and rinse them thoroughly to remove any dirt and contaminants.


Broccoli’s florets can trap dirt, bacteria, and pests due to their compact structure. The excess moisture during the monsoon season can exacerbate these issues. It is advisable to soak broccoli in a mixture of water and salt or vinegar before rinsing it thoroughly under running water to ensure all dirt and potential pests are removed.


Tomatoes, growing close to the ground, are prone to contamination from mud, bacteria, and pesticide residues. During the monsoon, their skin can become a breeding ground for bacteria. To clean tomatoes effectively, rinse them under running water and use a vegetable brush to scrub the surface. 

Bell peppers

Bell peppers have a waxy coating that can trap dirt and pesticides. The monsoon season can increase the risk of fungal infections on their surface. Wash bell peppers thoroughly under running water, using a brush to scrub the surface if necessary. Soaking them briefly in a vinegar-water solution can further help in removing contaminants.


Root vegetables like carrots and radishes, growing underground, can accumulate a significant amount of soil and dirt. The wet soil during monsoon makes them prone to bacterial contamination. Use a vegetable brush to scrub the surface of these root vegetables thoroughly under running water, ensuring that all dirt and bacteria are removed.