6 Fruit Toppings To Add A Twist To Your Pizza!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 2nd, 2023

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Fruits and pizza are never really seen together, except for the occasional pineapple on pizza debate. But what if fruits could add the sweet twist to a savory pizza already topped with cheese? Here are 6 fruits that are so versatile that they can also exist as pizza toppings!

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No list of pizza toppings is complete without it. It creates a distinct tropical flavour that pairs well with heavier, rich meats and cheese to balance out the pizza's taste. One of the most popular pizzas using pineapple is a Hawaiian pizza.

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An uncommon choice, but its meaty consistency and bold flavour help it pair well with bolder and pungent cheeses. A popular pizza recipe with figs incorporates figs and blue cheese.

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Especially sliced pears. They go well with nutty flavours and can be used on pizzas with cheeses like pecorino, manchego, or Parmesan. Their flavour is subtle, and it won't overpower the taste of other ingredients.

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If you don't like apples, you're in luck! Meet your daily apple intake with pizza! Apples work well with cheese, particularly cheddar cheese. It has a delicate flavour, so many people use it as a balance to stronger sharp or smoked cheeses.

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The least expected fruit but goes so well with barbeque sauce and mozzarella. It's strong, sweet taste adds the required twist to a Hawaiian pizza.

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Not as its own fruity self but as an ingredient in the topping sauce, blueberry helps! The blueberries give the sauce a natural sweetness and can be combined with balsamic vinegar to give a tangy addition.

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