6 Foods That Keep You Awake At Night

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 25th, 2023

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A quality sleep of 6-8 hours is required for optimal functioning of our body. Sleep depends on the food we eat and the lifestyle we have adapted ourselves to. Some foods make it difficult to sleep and can cause irregular sleeping patterns. Here are 6 foods that keep you awake at night.

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Spicy Foods

Spicy foods often cause indigestion, acid reflux and heartburn, making it difficult to doze off.

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Sweet Foods

They have a lot of sugar that spikes energy and blood sugar levels, resulting in staying awake for longer duration.

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Fatty Foods

They cause indigestion and acid reflux that can lead to an upset stomach and a very upsetting sleep.

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Caffeinated foods like coffee and tea increase your energy levels and keep you awake.

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Processed Foods

Heavily processed foods have less nutrients and more fats which negatively impact your sleep.

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Alcohol causes hangovers by draining your body of water. It may cause unease and make you toss and turn at night.

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