By Niveditha Kalyanaraman
October 28th, 2023
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Calcium builds healthy bones and teeth and ensures your muscles, cells, and nerves work properly. Here are 6 foods that are calcium sources apart from milk.
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You know oranges for their immune-boosting vitamin C content, but they're also low in calories and brimming with antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antimicrobial benefits.
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They're a good source of vitamin B-12, which is a key nutrient for brain and nervous system health. Sardines also contain vitamin D, which is essential for bone health and notoriously difficult to get through food.
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These meaty little guys are rich in fiber, protein, and iron, and they're also one of the best nutritional sources of potassium. Additionally, they contain resistant starch, a healthy carb that boosts metabolism.
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Okra contains vitamin B6 and folate. And don't write off this veggie if you've only ever had a boiled, slimy version; oven-roasting, sautéing, or grilling brings out the best flavor.
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Tofu is incredibly versatile—it takes on the flavor of whatever else you're cooking with it.
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Almonds, which are among the best nuts for your health, contain about 12% of your necessary daily protein, and are rich in vitamin E and potassium.
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