6 Flavoured Teas That Are Perfect For Monsoon

By Ujjainee Roy

July 4, 2024

Nothing works better than a warm cup of kadak chai this rainy season! But what's the ideal monsoon brew? It mainly depends on what you like. You may prefer bracing spiced tea blends or you may be keen on exploring delicate floral notes. Here are some of the best monsoon teas which you should try at least once.

Classic masala chai

Masala chai is the quintessential monsoon tea in India. This spiced tea is made by brewing black tea with a blend of aromatic spices like cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and black pepper, and sweetened with sugar or honey. The robust flavors and warming spices make it a perfect choice for chilly, rainy days.

Ginger tea

Ginger tea is another popular choice during the monsoon season. Known for its strong, spicy flavor, ginger tea is made by boiling fresh ginger slices with water and then adding black tea leaves or green tea. It's often sweetened with honey and sometimes enhanced with a splash of lemon

Tulsi tea

Tulsi tea, made from the leaves of the holy basil plant, is revered in Indian culture for its numerous health benefits. This herbal tea has a unique, slightly sweet and peppery flavor. Tulsi tea is known for its adaptogenic properties, which help reduce stress and boost the immune system.

Lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea is a refreshing herbal tea that offers a citrusy flavor with a hint of ginger. Made by steeping fresh lemongrass stalks in hot water, this tea is often enjoyed with a touch of honey or a slice of lemon. Lemongrass tea is known for its detoxifying properties and can aid in digestion, making it a great option for monsoon days.

Cardamom tea

Cardamom tea, made by adding crushed cardamom pods to black tea, is a fragrant and flavorful beverage that's perfect for the monsoon season. Cardamom has a warm, slightly sweet taste and is known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties. This tea can be sweetened with sugar or honey and enjoyed with or without milk.

Mint tea

Mint tea, made by steeping fresh mint leaves in hot water, is a refreshing and soothing drink ideal for the rainy season. Mint tea has a cool, invigorating flavor that can help in calming the mind and soothing digestive issues. It's often enjoyed without any sweeteners, but a bit of honey can be added for extra flavor.