6 Expert Tips To Make The Perfect Samosas At Home

By Vidushi Singh 

Want to cook crispy and flavorful homemade samosas ? Here are some tips you should keep in mind. From achieving the perfect dough to sealing techniques, fry up delicious samosas like a pro.

1. Crispy Dough

To make the dough crispy Use a combination of all-purpose flour and a small amount of semolina.

2. Resting Time

Let the dough rest for at least 30 minutes after kneading. This allows the gluten to relax and makes it easier to roll and shape.

3. Filling Texture

Ensure the filling is not too dry or too watery. Squeeze out excess moisture from the stuffing before mixing them with spices.

4. Proper Sealing

Apply flour-water paste to seal the edges of samosas this will prevent any filling from leaking out during frying.

5. Appropriate Oil Temperature

Heat oil on medium heat before adding the samosas. As too hot oil will burn the samosas leaving the filling uncooked.

6. Fry In Small Batches

Avoid overcrowding the frying pan. Fry the samosas in small batches to ensure they cook evenly and maintain their shape.