6 Effective Tips For Waste Management In Kitchen 

By Bornika Das

July 6 2023

In our dream for fancy kitchen, we often miss out the garbage bin. It is one of the essential elements in our kitchen that we often overlook. A proper garbage bin on your kitchen makes it look fresh and clean. However, you are often worried about how to position your garbage bin? We have some tips for you:

Fix A Spot To Set The Garbage Bin 

The garbage bin should be kept in a hidden place or a corner, away from the food and utensils, to avoid contamination and a foul smell.

Choose The Bins Right 

It is important to choose the right kind of bin for different types of waste. It is advisable to have two bins: one for dry waste and one for wet waste.

Never Keep The Wastebin Open   

Always opt for wastebins with closed lids. This helps prevent the spreading of foul odours. Open bins can become breeding ground for germs and contaminate the place. 

Dispose Of Waste Regularly

Try to dispose of the waste in the trash can on a regular basis. Every locality has a recycling station to decompose or recycle the waste. 

Clean And Sanitise The Garbage Bin Regularly 

It is important to clean, sanitise, and dry the waste bins on a regular basis, to keep the kitchen a hygienic place. 

Minimise Wastage    

Keep the habit of minimising waste as much as possible. By doing this, you will not only reduce waste, but the disposal process will also get easier.