By Krati Purwar
March 20, 2025
A hard brown sugar lump is difficult to break and can be used efficiently. You can measure how much a block of sugar would add sweetness to the recipe. Below are a few effective ways to soften it and use it as per your needs.
Use a food processor and pulse the brown sugar in it. The block will loosen quickly, and you will be able to use it in the recipe.
Keep a block of brown sugar in the microwave and cover it with a paper towel. Microwave for just 20 seconds and break it using a fork.
Add apple wedges to the container of the brown sugar. Leave it overnight for the moisture to do its magic.
Bread can absorb moisture. In a sealed container of brown sugar, add a few slices of bread overnight. The blocks will loosen by morning.
You can prevent the brown sugar from turning into a block by refrigerating it on the bottom shelf for vegetables.
Soak terracotta pieces in water for 20 minutes and add them to an airtight container with the sugar block. The block will loosen up soon.