6 Easy Tips To Peel Garlic Without Any Hassles

By Shreya Goswami

October 5, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Find peeling garlic cloves one by one a cumbersome chore? Here are some easy methods to make peeling garlic a hassle-free experience.

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Paring Knife Method

Insert a sharp paring knife into the unpeeled clove, cautiously twist it and pull out the peeled garlic clove.

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Smash-And-Peel Method

Use a flat utensil or the flat of a knife to gently smach the garlic clove, then separate the skin and peeled cloves.

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Microwave Method

Place a whole garlic bulb in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. This will loosen the skin, making it super-easy to peel.

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Jar Shake Method

Place the garlic cloves in a glass jar, close the lid and shake vigorously. The friction should naturally separate garlic peels.

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Blanch-And-Shock Method

Blanch the garlic cloves in boiling water then dip in iced water. The thermal shock will separate peel from cloves.

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Freeze And Squeeze Method

Freeze the garlic cloves in a bag and freeze. Take the garlic clove out as needed and squeeze to get the peeled clove out.

Image Credit: Unsplash