By Nikita Toppo
August 20, 2023
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During summer and monsoon, we feel dehydrated and lack energy. It is due to the hot and humid weather conditions. Here are six drinks that can help in reducing body heat naturally.
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Coconut water naturally has cooling and hydrating properties that balances the body temperature.
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This healthy drink contains essential probiotics, vitamins, and minerals to keep our bodies cool even in extreme heat.
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Lemon water being rich in vitamin C can help lower body temperature.
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Watermelon is composed of around 90% water and is high in antioxidants, vitamins A, C and potassium.
Image Credit: Pexels
It is a refreshing drink made with spiced and tangy cumin powder and has antimicrobial properties.
Image Credit: N.K's Kitchen/facebook
Freshly crushed sugarcane contains a high amount of water and cooling properties.
Image Credit: Nou-ji/facebook