6 Creative Ways To Use Achaar Oil In Your Kitchen

By Ujjainee Roy

June 19, 2024

If you're making your achaar at home, you can make it extra oily and use this oil for a  number of recipes. In fact, you can even use the pickle oil from bottled and store-bought pickle varietie. You can also store this oil in vaccum-packed bags so they remain fresh for longer. Let's see how they can be used.

Oil substitute

Achaar oil can be used as a flavorful substitute for regular cooking oil. Its intense flavor can enhance simple dishes, giving them a unique twist. Use achaar oil to sauté vegetables, fry eggs, or stir-fry meats. The spices and herbs infused in the oil impart a rich, tangy flavor to the food, making it more delicious.

Marinade for tandoori

Achaar oil makes an excellent marinade for meats and vegetables. The spices and acidity in the oil help to tenderize the meat and infuse it with robust flavors. Simply coat your choice of meat or vegetables in achaar oil and let it marinate for a few hours or overnight. 

Salad dressing

Achaar oil can be used as a unique dressing for salads, adding a spicy kick and depth of flavor. Drizzle a small amount of achaar oil over your salad, and toss it with fresh greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions. It pairs particularly well with salads that include hearty ingredients.

Flaovouring rice and dal

Add a tablespoon of achaar oil to plain rice or lentils to elevate their flavor. The spiced oil can turn a simple bowl of rice or dal into a fragrant and spicy dish. After cooking the rice or lentils, stir in the achaar oil and let it sit for a few minutes before serving. 

Seasoning for snacks

Use achaar oil to season snacks like popcorn, roasted nuts, or roasted chickpeas. Toss your favorite snack with a bit of achaar oil to give it a spicy, tangy flavor. This method works particularly well with savory snacks, enhancing their taste and making them more addictive. 

Elevating dips and sauces

Enhance the flavor of sauces and dips by adding a small amount of achaar oil. Whether you’re making a yogurt dip, a chutney, or a simple tomato sauce, a teaspoon of achaar oil can add a complex, spicy depth. Mix the oil into your sauce or dip and let it sit for a while to allow the flavors to meld together.