6 Breakfast Items That Have 'Hidden' Maida

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 20th, 2023

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Maida is refined wheat flour that is used in a variety of food products. With no nutritional value, it can be harmful to procure first thing in the morning. Here are 6 breakfast items that have hidden maida.

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White breads and even some brown breads are made from maida. Choose carefully or replace them with whole wheat parathas.

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Pancake batters often have maida and it's better to try making whole wheat versions of them.

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These healthy and super tasty breakfast staples have unhealthy fats and sugars and are loaded with maida.

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Sooji Rusk

Sooji rusk mostly are made from maida. Try replacing them with whole wheat versions.

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Breakfast Cereals

Most packaged cereals have maida in them. Try reading the label to pick less sugared and low/no maida ones.

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Digestive Biscuits

Even the ones marked "lite" or "digestive" are made from a lot of maida and making whole wheat versions of them at home is a healthy choice.

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