6 Bread Recipes That Your Kids Will Love

By Risha Ganguly

Bread is an indispensable part of our kitchens and there are several dishes you can make with this one ingredient. Here are 6 bread recipes that will surely be loved by your kids.

Bread Upma

Are your kids bored of regular suji upma? Try this delicious bread based one with lots of veggies.

Bread Pakoda

Soft bread slices are dipped in a spiced besan batter and deep-fried until crispy and golden to make this dish.

Shahi Tukda

This is a rich dessert made of deep-fried bread slices soaked in fragrant saffron-infused milk, garnished with nuts and served chilled.

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

A classic comfort food made by layering cheese between slices of bread and grilling until the cheese melts, this sandwich is definitely a hit!

Bread Pudding

A delicious dessert made by combining bread, milk, eggs, sugar, and then baking until it forms a soft and custardy texture. Every kid will love it!

Bread Roll

This is a popular snack where spiced mashed potatoes are wrapped in bread slices, shaped into rolls, and deep-fried until crispy and golden.