6 Best Cooking Techniques To Create Healthy Meals

By Nikita Toppo

August 28, 2023

Image Credit: Pexels

Apart from the ingredients the cooking method also plays an important role in making the food healthy. Here are six best cooking methods to make your meals healthier.

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Steaming retains the nutrients in vegetables better than stir-frying or sautéing can.

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Stir-frying is one of the best dry heat cooking methods that cooks up food fast and maximise its nutrients.

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Roasting vegetables, with a small drizzle of oil and salt, can really bring out the flavour and enhance the nutrients.

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This is another method of cooking which helps in retaining the nutrients of the food.

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While baking, the food is cooked via the hot air which gives it a natural taste without any addition of sauce.

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Exposing food to direct heat under the grill is a fast way to cook. To keep it healthy, cook your meat on a wire rack so any fat can drip underneath.

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