6 Benefits of Having Black Pepper In Winter Season 

By Bonika Das

January 21, 2024

Image Credit: Freepik

Black pepper or kali mirch not only adds flavour to the dishes but also contributes to several health benefits, especially in the winter season. Incorporating black pepper into everyday meals prevents people from falling prey to common illnesses. Take a look at some of the benefits of black peppercorn in the winter season: 

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Fights Cough And Cold 

Black pepper has antibacterial properties which help to cure cough and cold as well as fight against flu and other infections. 

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Prevents Chest Congestion

Accumulation of mucus in chest is a common problem in winter. Black pepper helps to reduce chest congestion by diluting the mucus. 

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Reduces Inflammation 

Owing to the presence of piperine, black pepper help reduce chronic inflammation and helps alleviate winter related aches and pains

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Aids Digestion 

Black peppercorns help in digestion. When consumed raw hydrochloric acid is released by the stomach and helps in breaking down the protein. 

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Fights Constipation 

Black pepper stimulates the production of digestive enzymes aiding in preventing constipation which is a common problem in the winter season

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Boosts Metabolism 

Peperine in black pepper boosts metabolism in the body. Potentially aiding in weight loss management during the winter months.  

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