6 Benefits Of Eating Sabja Seeds For Weight Loss

By Shreya Goswami

Sabja seeds, also known as basil seeds and tukmaria, are the perfect addition to your weight loss diet. Here are all the reasons why.

High Fiber

Sabja seeds are rich in dietary fiber, which can help promote feelings of fullness and reduce overall calorie intake.

Low Calories

Sabja seeds are low in calories, making them a suitable addition to a weight loss diet.

Sugar Control

The gel-like coating that forms around Sabja seeds when soaked in water can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Promote Hydration

When soaked in water, Sabja seeds absorb water and swell up, which aids hydration during summers.

Aid Digestion

The fiber content in Sabja seeds can support healthy digestion by promoting regular bowel movements.

Protein Boost

Like most seeds, Sabja seeds are packed with plant-based proteins that improve satiety.