6 Benefits Of Dried Cranberry For Women 

By Bornika Das

February 23, 2024

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Plump, succulent and perfectly sweet, dried cranberries are known as nature’s tastiest treats. Cranberries are best enjoyed in cakes, bakes, sauces, spread or eaten individually in a handful. Cranberries are known for their versatility and contribute to several health benefits, especially for women. Take a look at some of them: 

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Combats Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 

Dried cranberries have a large amount of Vitamin C that provides anti-inflammatory properties to reduce swelling in the bladder, especially in women. 

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Boosts Immunity System

Consuming cranberries provides ample Vitamin C to the body. It helps enhance iron absorption for improved blood circulation and is important for the growth and development of body tissues.

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Maintains Heart Health

Being high in potassium, this dry fruit assists in the maintenance of normal blood pressure. It also promotes  cardiac muscle activity, prevents chances of heart attack and strokes.

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Relaxes Muscle Cramps 

The presence of magnesium in cranberries provide relief from muscle sores and cramps. 

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Treats Constipation 

Dried cranberry comprises valuable dietary fibers which ensure proper bowel movement upon ingestion of heavy meals. 

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Offers Anti Aging Benefits 

Dried cranberries contains spermidine that aids in delaying skin cells from the process of aging. Carotene plays an important role in reducing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and sunken skin.

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