6 Amazing Banana Dishes To Try

By Risha Ganguly

Bananas are a fruit which are healthy, nutritious and very delicious to eat. There are several dishes that can be made using a simple banana. Let us look at some.

Banana Smoothie

This is a smoothie that will change your post-workout meal forever. This drink will energize you and the advantage is that it gets ready in a few minutes.

Banana Pancake

The best breakfast treat that you can have is a fluffy, delicious banana pancake, with a hint of nutter and maple syrup.


Banana yogurt is one of the most underrated yogurt flavours that there are.It is protein-rich and can be a great breakfast meal.

Banana Bread

This sweet dessert bread is the loaf of joy. It is a dish that can be the perfect beginning to meals and the perfect end to treats.

Banana Chips

The most popular snack item from the Southern parts of India, banana chips are crispy, flavourful and the perfect appetizer.